
What is it?

A revolutionary innovative professional standard, ball skills training device.

Who Designed it?

It is designed by an experienced Gaelic Football and Soccer coach.

Who can use it?

A wide spectrum of people including athletes, coaches, physiotherapists and teachers.

Will it enable maximum development of skills required for high catching excellence?

Yes all our Procision-XL models are fitted with a revolutionary automatic ball reset mechanism which is specifically designed for rapid development of combined skills.


Is it only suitable for professional sports people?

Procision-XL is an extremely versatile resource, suitable for all abilities from infants upwards.

Can it be adapted for the use of special needs groups?

It is ideal for wheelchair participants, those on the Autistic spectrum and people with visual and hearing impairments as it us fully height adjustable, no adaptions are required.

Can it be used by families at home?

Yes there are 4 models available to suit various requirements and budgets.

Why not just throw or kick a normal ball?

Throwing or kicking is an essential part of skill development and when used in conjunction with Procision-XL vastly improves techniques, resulting in a clear competitive advantage.

Why not throw or kick a ball in the air to develop aerial, heading and catching skills?

Throwing or kicking a ball in the air is an essential part of aerial progress, but to use these methods as a sole means to maximise aerial development will deprive the athlete from reaching their full potential.


Why will using these methods as a sole means of maximising aerial development deprive the athlete from reaching their full potential?

Pinpoint accuracy, combined with repetitive ball execution (plyometrics) is essential to achieve maximum aerial development. Throwing or kicking a ball in the air as a sole means of developing these skills contributes to negative learned behaviour such as waiting on the ball, rather than jumping and meeting it.

Progress of height jumped and height reached, can be monitored using the inbuilt smart chart.

How will combining Procision-XL give me a clear advantage in aerial development?

When developing aerial, catching and heading techniques Precision ball height settings enable the user to work at the upper end of his/her ability repetitively. This repetitive training method (plyometrics) is designed to ensure maximum development of skills required for aerial supremacy

Progress of height jumped and height reached can be monitored using the inbuilt smart chart.

How do I know if my skills are being developed correctly?

Precision ball height settings to suit individual requirements enable rapid assessment of development strengths and needs. Motor functions combining running, jumping, raising of arms, positioning of hands, ball execution and landing. Interpretation of ball speed.

Progress of height jumped and height reached can be monitored using the inbuilt smart chart.