For Best Results

We strongly recommend that development progress be evaluated and logged from initial introduction and every 8 weeks and there after.


Fundamental Sports Skills – For the Young Athlete

  •  Rapid Aerial progress should be achieved from initial introduction

The following exercises work on the plyometric ability of young athlete’s and help them to develop appropriate jumping and execution techniques. The exercises have also been developed to work on improving their fundamental sports skills including timing, co-ordination and focus. These exercises can be used to rapidly assess and develop motor skills.

(Ensure participants are warmed up appropriately before beginning any session on the Procision-XL device.)

Squat Jump and Catch

The retractable ball should be set at a moderately challenging height above the young athlete’s standing reach. They then should proceed to execute a squat jump whilst grasping the ball at the peak height of their jump and reach.  Then they must bring the ball level with their chest and land comfortably on two feet, releasing the ball immediately after landing. The ball will automatically reset into position and the participant should take approximately 3-5 seconds before repeating the exercise. The quality of the jump must be emphasised to the young athlete and correct technique is vital. Approximately 5-10 repetitions should be completed.


Single leg Squat, Jump and Head

The ball should be set at a moderately challenging height above the young athlete’s standing head height. They then should prepare themselves to execute a single leg squat jump. The young athlete should begin approximately 4-5 metres from the ball before running and jumping of one leg ascending into the air. Upon reaching peak height the young athlete should head the ball before returning to the ground. They should land comfortably on two feet and continue their run until they are approximately 4-5 metres away from the ball in the opposite direction. They then should turn and prepare to repeat the motion alternating the jumping leg. This should be completed for approximately five repetitions on each leg, alternating legs for each jump.


Kicking with Alternating Feet

The young athlete should have the ball in their hands with the device set to maintain a pre-set chord length. They then should proceed to kick the ball using alternative feet, catching the returning ball each time. This should be repeated approximately 10-15 times on each foot.


Training Senior Level Athletes – Improving Maximum Jump Height and Reach

(Ensure participants are warmed up appropriately before beginning any session on the Procision-XL device).

(Heading can be used if preferred for Soccer Players)

Exercise 1: Plyometric Squat Jump

The athlete should set the retractable ball at a challenging height above his/her standing reach. They then should prepare themselves to execute a plyometric squat jump. When attaining peak height in the jump and reach, the athlete should then grasp the ball bringing it level with their chest.  After landing comfortably on two feet the ball must be released to reset it back into position. The athlete should then take approximately 3-5 seconds to return to starting position before repeating the motion. This should be repeated 10 times. Quality of the jump is the key factor in this exercise. Pre-set height should be recorded and increased as necessary.


Execute 1-3 times per week depending on athletes capabilities.

Increase repetitions and sets depending on progress.

Suitable footwear should be worn in accordance with ground conditions.